Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New York City Girl's Trip - January 2011

What a fun surprise to have my mom and dad surprise the Jones girls with a trip to New York City for Christmas for an all Girls Weekend!  I thought the day would never come, but it came quickly.  Poor Karim got was stuck for 24 hours in Virginia have flight after flight get cancelled, so Chris and Karim hopped in the car and drove to New Jersey.  We stayed with Karim's family in their beautiful home.  What awesome hosts!   Thanks Andrew and Gina for making us feel so welcome and comfortable.  We went shopping, ate lots of yummy food (best bagels and pizza), explored New York City, saw the Lion King on Broadway, ate yummy cupcakes at the famous Magnolia Bakery, talked until late, slept in comfy beds, took our time getting places, and all around just had a great time relaxing.  Thanks mom and dad, Karim, Gina and Andrew for making the trip to New York City/Summit a restful and relaxing one.  It was just what I needed to be a better wife and mother!