Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eme's Preschool Program

Eme had her end of the year performance at the Day School she attended.  It was fun to get her all dressed up, but in Emerson fashion she chose to stand quietly and not sing the songs.  Which was fine because we couldn't even see her with the little girl who was supposed to stand next to her, but jumped and danced in front of Eme the whole time.  Eme just kept looking around the girl and smiling at me.  She is a sweetheart and I feel that sending her to preschool really had helped her to become her own person.  Her teachers loved her and said she is such a sweet, well-mannered little girl.  Her teacher was amazed at how well she took care of her things especially her shoes.  She probably will be a little OCD like her mom, but there are worse things I guess than liking order!  It is so fun to watch our little one's growing up and becoming more independent.